My apologies for not posting for a while.
It is when the cult starts insinuating its way into the minds of more impressionable people that it turns more insidious than usual. The fact that it runs Landmark Forums for teenagers speaks to the foolishness and recklessness of parents. But when Landmark gets itself into the university curriculum, we should be on guard.
What Landmark tries to do is find a course or module that involves some kind of development work. Many universities have put personal development in the syllabus. The result is that coaches with Landmark backgrounds are teaching undergraduates the basics of the Landmark ideology. For example, see here.
Is the university aware of what is happening? And what it is paying for? Highly unlikely.
I have seen this happen. It enables Landmark acolytes to lend a spurious authenticity to their proselytizing activities by announcing that they have delivered courses to such and such university.
This is similar to the way Landmark Education has used doubtful management research to bolster its shaky credentials while attempting to prevent any respectable impartial research into its activities.
A Happy New and Free-Thinking Year to all and let's keep the cults outside where they belong.